Our Story
From Humble Beginnings to Master Builder
Throughout my life in construction, I’ve definitely experienced my share of personal and professional challenges and tough times. I’ve been laid off due to downsizing, worked through failed projects, dealt with bosses and foremen that lacked integrity and work ethic, launched a successful construction business in a region known for its industry challenges, and even shut down a business, postponing my passion to build in order to mitigate a life-changing family crisis.
These challenges taught me many things. They’ve molded me into the Master Builder that I am today and represent the skills and values that separate Resurgence Construction Services from the rest:
Strength and perseverance through all challenges
Prioritization of family and relationships with others above money and personal gain
Integrity and honesty as cornerstones to relationships and success
A multitude of specialty construction skills that enable me to assess projects and complete them
to exceed quality expectations
A deep understanding of my passion: To effectively listen and truly hear customers, clearly define
their projects, and build in a way that leaves them feeling like they matter
After a tragic medical emergency in the Fall of 2006, I was forced to shut down my construction business, move my family to the Madison, WI area, and find work in a factory to make ends meet.
I continued doing side projects such as remodeling basements, but my work with customers, family, and friends was significantly reduced.
During this time away from construction, I learned a lot about myself, about what matters most, and just how deep my passion for this craft runs. In 2019, I was finally able to leave the factory job and work for a small construction company.
My fire was re-ignited! But something was missing: Customer joy and fulfillment.
I needed to be back working directly for customers- the design process, talking and exchanging ideas, honing in on the exact needs of a project, and completing them in a timely manner while balancing time and budget. The rebirth of this passion came in early 2020 when I launched Resurgence Construction Services!
My company represents the resurgence of my passion for construction. But more importantly, it produces the resurgence of customer pride, joy, and satisfaction in the places they treasure the most- their homes.
Resurgence | re·sur·gence | an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence
What Success Looks Like to Me
Today, I have a steady flow of repeat customers, referrals, and ecstatic positive feedback. Sure, a family needs money to survive, but money does not define success. It is the by-product of a successful
For me, success is the highest level of customer satisfaction with a goal of zero call-backs. Yes, zero. If the project was done right, you won’t need to call me back unless you have a new project! But, you can rest easy!
My work is guaranteed for life. I back anything and everything that my hands worked on.
No exceptions. Your satisfaction is my greatest success and I look forward to working with you!
It would be my great pleasure to help you exceed all expectations on your next construction project!
I would love to hear about it!
Call today, Keith Liska at 608.438.0185 or email keithliska@gmail.com